FDA Launches “Every Try Counts” Campaign

enero 17th, 2018


A new education campaign encourages smokers to quit through supportive messages that underscore the health benefits of quitting tobacco. Messages will be displayed in and around gas stations and convenience stores – locations where smokers face a multitude of triggers and that typically feature cigarette advertisements.

“Cigarette smoking remains the leading cause of preventable disease and death in the United States, causing 480,000 deaths every single year. Approximately 2 out of 3 adult smokers, more than 22 million people, say they would like to quit.1 However, in 2015, of the 55% of adult smokers who made a quit attempt, only 7% were successful.

FDA is partnering with the National Institutes of Health’s National Cancer Institute on the EveryTryCounts.gov website which features cessation resources, such as a text message program, a mobile app, trained cessation coaches who can be reached through online chat or by phone, and information about FDA-approved cessation medications. The campaign also leverages digital and radio ads to reinforce the positive messaging.”


Read the full article on the U.S. FDA website